Support artists on Redbubble

3 simple ways to support artists you know

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Support artists in your line of sight…

We all love to admire what an artist creates but do we support them in their creative journey really? Are we taking and never giving? It’s simple to show a little respect and it doesn’t always involve mortgaging your house to do so. I try to support artists I know whenever possible as I know how much heart and energy goes into their creations and how tough it is to be one!

It’s very simple to support the artists around you or the ones you watch and admire. Simply, support them with feedback, sharing their news or buying from them.

1. Support artists with feedback

For one, blogging can feel like shouting into a cloud and only God himself can hear. Blogging content isn’t lost in social media feeds. Artist bloggers spend countless hours attempting to feed their public with regular content, taking and processing images and typing away madly on the keyboard in an effort to share their creative process and creations. When a solitary artisan hears or reads a voice from the outside encouraging them or throwing a handy tip or contact their way it is GOLD! Ask any blogging artistan if they’d like more interaction and they’d tell you yes! It needs to feel worth their time away from creating art.

Sometime I feel discouraged about the art world in general and I wonder how much positive emotion is evoked through art and what value society puts on it. then I get a heartwarming story, more than a one-liner feedback that lets me know how touched someone was and how a particular image impacted or inspired them.

Sign up and follow the artists who blog and you admire, tell others about them and comment now and then to let them know you are watching. Ask questions and help them develop content you want to read and play nice.

2. Support artists by sharing on social media, by email or over a cuppa

If no one knows they are there or their products exist they don’t stand a chance of survival. It is easy to pass a Facebook post about a cute dog chewing a shoe so PLEASE share artists posts when they have something new! I promote other friend’s businesses by sharing on social media all the time but I only have a very small amount of loyal friends who celebrate my new books on social media. It would make my life and that of the author or publisher involved a lot easier if our “friends” where more friendly and shared more!

3. Support small business – buy from artists!

Not every art piece will break the bank and when you buy from an artist you support small business. Mostly, artist are at the bottom of the fofd chain when it comes to product whether it be through a gallery, retail outlet or online. They usually get a small percentage of sales and have to work hard to get their goods noticed. When you buy direct from an artist, some time there is a little more percentage to them. Buying their creations from the top of the chain helps them too. Either way, think about gifts from a small business and “support artist” kind of way in future. It will help them a lot!


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