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52 Week Gift Card Challenge – #22-24 Eye, Feats, & Octopus
Watermarks on my work.
I have had too much of my work stolen on the internet and so I have decided to watermark my work. You may have noticed me putting my web address over the images lately. Unfortunately as much as I would rather not, it is unavoidable. I have even had someone claim that my work is their portfolio as they advertise themselves for hire. I would hate to see what the clients end up with. Possibly an empty bank account and no goods.
Week 22 – Eye: This theme became a video not a card illustration. Short 3 minutes of creative inspiration for even the most intimidated of beginners. Check it out if you haven’t already.
Week 23 – Feast: This was a really quick sketch in a small sketchbook. I finished it with ink and Intense water soluble pencils. I am using these a lot in my sketchbooks and like to travel with them in my bag.

Week 24 – Octopus No1: My youngest child was turning 9 and wanted me to illustrate a card for him. He was first asked for the teddies in the tree house but later asked for drums. He is learning the drums at school and we were surprising him with an electric drum kit for his birthday. As I was drawing for the theme octopus so I combined the two.

I decided to use the white background in the end. The progress images show a splotchy yellow background in the last image but I decided it was too busy and distracted from the funky octopus.
Week 24 – Octopus No2: I ended up with a second octopus. I was winding down from a tough day and pulled out an older sketch to illustrate in colour. My eldest daughter’s boyfriend proposed this week so I had this on my mind as I developed the sketch. The octopus has big sad looking eyes but they reminded me of my daughter’s eyes. They are big, beautiful and bright when she smiles, always sweet, but some times sad. I am sure her now fiancee often gets swallowed up in them. This isn’t a final illustration – only a sketch but still fun to put up for show and tell 🙂

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