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Cross-hatching and a cross hatching
Cross-hatching Illustration
Cross-hatching is this weeks theme. I did use cross-hatching in my illustration; a method where you cross lines over each other however my illustration is a play on words. My cross-hatching is literally a cross hatching! Don’t ask me why I chose an elephant to sit on the egg. I think maybe because it is just as ridiculous as a cross hatching. However if you think of the Christian symbol; the cross it does represent being reborn.
A little trivia: “elephant’ was the first “big” word I mastered in kindergarten. I used to recite, “ele-ph-ant” over and over and think I was so clever; such a big girl spelling this word. I loved the way it sounded spelling it out too e-l-e-p-h-a-n-t!

My week 8 illustration challenge for #illo52weeks is cross-hatching – get it?
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