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Balancing Manuscripts on the Hop
I have been asked to join a writer’s blog hop by the lovely and very talented, energetic, diligent, story-savy, entertaining, encouraging , creatively marvelous, and astoundingly popular children’s author Penny Reeve – too many adjectives? Isn’t that is what blogging is for?
Penny is a children’s author who held that passion since the age of three! Yes three, she even created a picture book. You can see it on her about page. Penny has authored several popular children’s books. My kids have enjoyed everyone I have bought home for them.
Penny’s blog hop and see what she is working on go here
1. What am I working on? (writing)
This little story about a market,
this little story began at home,
this little story is about roasted leaf
and this little story needs a nun
and THIS little story…
WILL GO wee, wee, wee … ALL THE WAY HOME!
In my writing, I have picked one picture book and one chapter book to mainly focus. However, I have permitted myself to play with up to of each maximum. I have too many started manuscripts and need to get some wee, wee, wee, ALL THE WAY HOME!
After I did a workshop last month I realised I could dramatically improve everything I have written so even my submission ready work has gone back into my writing inbox. It is imperative for me to narrow down my project hit list to be truly productive. There will always be more beginnings than final projects, but I am avoiding the pitfall of imbalance and stress. I am already spread out with my addiction to illustration and design making this discipline even more important.
Latest picture book manuscript
I have been working in both prose and rhyme (okay, okay, so I got distracted with rhyme. I am undecided which one will win out. I am testing both options and pretty determined to beat the rhyming barrier (challenge) in my writing. Why? Because I LOVE rhyming picture books!
Chapter book manuscript/ graphic novel?
The chapter book is fantastical and needs a mountain of work but I am having fun with some interesting and very different kind of characters. I may want to illustrate some pages for this as I think it lends to a graphic novel.
So…. I am a long way off having anything ready because I’ve taken a step up in my writing and want to hammer my manuscripts into winning submissions.
2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?
Now at this stage answering THAT would be giving too much information away [Secret writers business – DO NOT ENTER]
3. Why do I write what I do?
If I stopped, I’d need to take medication for it! Okay a serious and honest answer then…
There is always an underlining theme in my work, an undercurrent of acceptance and survival in a seemingly complex and scary world. If my stories can be fun, amusing and emotionally helpful then that is the recipe for me. I like to write enduring characters who find a way to move through the tough stuff to overcome weather is through reflection, experience, or personality. I like to transition the fearful, cute and not-so-cute into over-comers and celebrate the final page with them with a shout- YAY!
4. How does my writing process work?
I begin with a pretty clear idea or I jot down quirky book titles I think up and develop them. Usually it is a pretty fleshed out idea that gets my attention though. I can wake in the morning with a whole story downloaded into my head. I’ll lie there for a little while exploring it and then throw the covers off in a rush to get it down quickly before I forget it, often improving the vision as I write. I might play a little then I leave it for the day. I return the my stories after time gaps to make sure I am seeing it with a fresh idea, much like developing a painting. I utilise my writers group for constructive input and enhancing my work. If an editor gives me feedback then even better!
Now I’d like to pass the batten to 3 delectable, intelligent, magnificent and creative literary masterminds (who have most likely cured their adjective obsession)…Any takers???
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