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Category: BLOG
Community Connection Exhibition, Plein Air Showcase & Free Workshops
It’s getting cold here in Melbourne, yet the brave have still ventured outside for some plein air experiences. A few times I have found myself at Millers Homestead painting the various opportunities on the property Ringwood Art Society is hosting their major exhibition for 2024, opening August 1st with a theme Community Connection. Members have…
Art Classes
WEEKLY ART TUITION 2024 YOUR TUTOR Kayleen West is a multi-media contemporary artist with traditional educational background. With an appreciation of both realism and the abstract, or combinations of both, she enjoys different mediums either dedicated to artwork exclusively, for preliminary work or in combination on final pieces. Forever pushing boundaries and exploration for excitement…
Illustrated Faith: Hearing From God In The Trenches
The vision In church this week the vision and words the Lord impressed on me to illustrate went like this… When you trust and surround yourself with my word my voice will filter through the thickest forest. See here, my voice flowing freely through the cedar trees to you – my child. Though you find…
David’s Mountain Top Faith Illustrated
Mountain Top Faith – Inspired by King David What does it look like to have mountain top faith? Reflecting on yesterday’s message, my illustrated notes and the words the Lord gave me… ALL mountains are the same to ME! God spoke to my heart. This is what I heard the Lord speak loudest. Even though…
Position of PEACE
Position of PEACE Your position of peace affects everything you create; your creative expression, your relationships, your mental and physical health and the life you create for yourself affecting others. Without peace we are less than ourselves; less happy, less focused and less capable. Listen to the audio: (or scroll to the end of…